Project Overview
The City of Grand Junction is embarking on the very exciting process of developing the City’s first citywide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan will envision the future pedestrian and bicycle network, prioritizing effective investments that will establish Grand Junction as a comfortable and welcoming place for people walking, rolling, and biking. The plan will guide the City on how and where to strategically make improvements and address gaps in the places people walk and bike, incorporating national best practices in bicycle and pedestrian planning and design. This plan will also provide concrete, actionable guidance for the City to better implement its existing Complete Streets Policy.
Check out the timeline and project documents and leave any additional comments you have in the comment box below! All comments received on GJSpeaks will be shared with City Council. For more information, visit the City's website.
Check out the timeline and project documents and leave any additional comments you have in the comment box below! All comments received on GJSpeaks will be shared with City Council. For more information, visit the City's website.

Daniella Acosta
Senior Planner

Dave Thornton
Principal Planner
Fri, Aug 26, 2022
Survey Opens
Wed, Sep 7, 2022
CMU Club Fair Pop-Up Event
Thu, Sep 8, 2022
Market on Main Pop-Up Event
Mon, Sep 12, 2022
Steering Committee Meeting
Wed, Sep 14, 2022
7th Street Corridor Walk Audit
Wed, Sep 14, 2022
Public Open House
Thu, Sep 22, 2022
Bike Month World Car Free Day Pop-Up Event at Base Camp Beer Works
Thu, Sep 22, 2022
Coffee with the City Manager Pop-Up Event
Sun, Sep 25, 2022
Meet Your Mayor! Pop-Up Event
Sun, Oct 30, 2022
Survey Closes
Tue, Dec 20, 2022
City of Grand Junction Has Released the Pedestrian and Bike Assessment Report
The City of Grand Junction has completed the first phase in the development of the first citywide Pedestrian and Bike Master Plan. In addition to a survey conducted earlier this fall, the city’s community development and transportation staff conducted numerous community meetings and provided opportunities for the community to participate and provide feedback online as well as in-person at locations throughout the community. The result of the comprehensive community outreach is the Existing Conditions and Needs Assessment Report. The report will guide the infrastructure, policy, and programmatic recommendations in the forthcoming draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. The findings of the report are available online.
“The City of Grand Junction embarked on this very exciting process of developing the first citywide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan in August of this year,” stated Tamra Allen, Community Development director. “The Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan will provide a vision for the future pedestrian and bicycle network within the city. The Plan will prioritize city investments over time to implement the plan to make Grand Junction a more safe, comfortable and convenient place for people walking, rolling, and biking.”
The plan will provide a framework for the city on how and where to strategically make improvements and address gaps in the places people walk and bike, incorporating best practices in bicycle and pedestrian planning and design. This plan will also provide concrete, actionable guidance for the city to better implement its existing Complete Streets Policy.
This project kicked off in August of 2022 and is expected to wrap up in April of 2023 with a final Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan that will be presented to City Council for adoption. There will be ongoing public comment opportunities during the drafting of the final plan in early 2023.
Questions can be directed to [email protected].
Existing Conditions and Needs Assessment Report
( 28.54 MB )
Thu, Feb 2, 2023
Phase 3 of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is Underway
The draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan is now available for public review. After reading, please take the survey and provide us your input on the draft Plan.
Survey here: https://tinyurl.com/GJBikePedDraftPlan
There will be an Open House on February 22nd from 5:30 pm to 7 pm at the Lincoln Park Barn. The project team will be there to provide information about the draft Plan and seek public input on the recommendations.
Additional Outreach Events
The project team will be holding several community events between now and the Open House on February 22nd. Community members are invited to stop by to learn more about the draft Plan and provide their comments.
- Mesa County Public Library Downtown
- When: February 2nd from 11:00am – 1:00pm and February 16th from 11:00am – 1:00pm
- Where: 443 N. 6th Street in the lobby
- Hear us on a radio talk show on KAFM Radio
- When: February 8th at 12:45pm
- Winter Bike to Work Day
- When: February 10th from 5:30 – 7:30pm
- Where: Gemini Beer Company, 640 White Ave
- CMU Natural Resources Job Fair
- When: February 15th from 3:00 – 5:00pm
- Where: CMU Meyer Ballroom, 1455 N 12th St
- Open House - Virtual
- When: February 21st from 12:00 noon – 1:00pm
- Where: Online at https://meet.goto.com/Itsupport3/openhouse
Phase 2 of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is Complete
In December 2022, the City project team completed phase 2 – Network Plan Development, which included drafting the pedestrian and bike network maps, updating the Active Transportation Corridors, and developing recommendations for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. These documents lay the foundations of the draft Plan and inform the vision, goals and objectives for implementing the Pedestrian and Bicycle network throughout Grand Junction. The public will be able to view all of these documents in depth in the draft Plan.
Phase 1 of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is Complete
In October 2022, the City of Grand Junction completed phase 1 – Community Outreach and Existing Conditions Analysis. The project kicked-off in August 2022, with the selection of the 17-member Steering Committee comprised of community members. In addition to a survey conducted earlier this fall, the city’s community development and transportation staff conducted numerous community meetings and provided opportunities for the community to participate and provide feedback online as well as in-person at locations throughout the community. The result of the comprehensive community outreach is the Existing Conditions and Needs Assessment Report. The report will guide the infrastructure, policy, and programmatic recommendations in the forthcoming draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan.
The plan will provide a framework for the city on how and where to strategically make improvements and address gaps in the places people walk and bike, incorporating best practices in bicycle and pedestrian planning and design. This plan will also provide concrete, actionable guidance for the city to better implement its existing Complete Streets Policy by incorporating those policies within the goals and objectives of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan.
Transportation Engineering Design Standards Update
The City of Grand Junction is also updating the Transportation Engineering Design Standards (TEDS) Manual. The manual contains transportation engineering standards that define all transportation improvements within the city. As such, the TEDS Manual will be a critical implementation tool for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. The goal of the update will be to bring the document up to current industry standards, incorporating best practices in multimodal transportation and Complete Streets designs.
The City of Grand Junction is also updating the Transportation Engineering Design Standards (TEDS) Manual. The manual contains transportation engineering standards that define all transportation improvements within the city. As such, the TEDS Manual will be a critical implementation tool for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. The goal of the update will be to bring the document up to current industry standards, incorporating best practices in multimodal transportation and Complete Streets designs.
The TEDS update started in July 2022 with consultant selection and identifying a technical assistance committee (TAC) comprised of local developers and engineers and government agencies. The first draft is currently being written and will be reviewed by the City, other local agencies, and the TAC prior to public review and comment. Project completion is currently scheduled for June 2023.
Grand Junction Ped & Bike Plan Draft
( 42.19 MB )
Thu, Mar 16, 2023
Phase 3 of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan is Nearing Completion
In February 2023, phase 3 included public review of the draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. The project team met with community members at several events, including a virtual open house on February 21, an in-person open house at Lincoln Park Barn on February 22 and conducted a survey online to seek comments. Public hearings with Planning Commission and City Council to consider adoption of the Plan have been scheduled.
Grand Junction Pedestrian and Bicycle Final Plan
( 48.67 MB )
Grand Junction Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan Executive Summary
( 8.29 MB )
Appendix A - Existing Conditions Needs Assessment
( 24.46 MB )
Appendix B - Project Prioritization Methodology
( 0.7 MB )
Tue, Mar 28, 2023
Planning Commission Public Hearing
Wed, Apr 19, 2023
City Council Public Hearing
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7 community members are following this project.
Public Comments
Commenting is currently closed on Grand Junction Speaks for this project.