Planning Commission Meeting
Regular Meeting
5 items Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 5:30pm How To Join Remotely
∙ Passed 5-0
∙ Agenda item 3 of 5
∙ Case: PLD-2023-243
Mesa Trails Planned Development Extension
Consider a request by Foothills Housing 2 LLC and Foothills Housing 5 LLC to amend the phasing schedule of the approved Outline Development Plan for “The Community” development, now known as “Mesa Trails” on approximately 177 acres located at 2350 Highway 6 and 50 between 23 ¼ and 23 ¾ Roads, from G Road to Highway 6 and 50.


Staff Report ( 0.22 MB )
Site Maps & Photos ( 2.75 MB )
Draft Ordinance ( 0.67 MB )
Planned Developments
Each decision maker will follow the criteria below when voting on this item.
Per Section 21.02.150, The planned development (PD) district is intended to apply to mixed use or unique single use projects to provide design flexibility not available through strict application and interpretation of the standards established in Chapter 21.05 GJMC. The PD zone district imposes any and all provisions applicable to the land as stated in the PD zoning ordinance. The purpose of the PD zone is to provide design flexibility as described in GJMC 21.05.010. Planned development rezoning should be used when long-term community benefits will be derived, and the vision, goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan can be achieved. Long-term community benefits include: 

(1) More efficient infrastructure;
(2) Reduced traffic demands;
(3) More usable public and/or private open space;
(4) Recreational amenities; and/or 
(5) Needed housing choices.
Public Comments
Comments are not being accepted on this item.