Planning Commission Meeting
Regular Meeting
8 items
Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 6:00pm
Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) from February 25, 2020 and April 9, 2020
27 1/2 Road Right-of-Way Vacation
Pinnacle Ridge Subdivision - Extension Request
Augustine Blue Rezone
The Riverfront as Dos Rios PD and ODP Amendment
Goose Downs Subdivision Right-of-Way Vacation
Zoning Code Amendment - Planned Developments
Zoning Code Amendment - B-1 Setback Reduction
∙ Agenda item 4 of 8
∙ Case: RZN-2020-110
Augustine Blue Rezone
Consider a Request by Kyle Berger and Mark Beckner to Rezone Three Properties of a Total of 10.86 acres Currently in R-1 (Residential - 1 du/ac), R-E (Residential - Estate), and R-R (Residential - Rural) Zone Districts to an R-2 (Residential - 2 du/ac) Zone District located at 2574 and 2576 Tahoe Drive and an Adjacent Unaddressed Property.
Staff Presentation
Application - Augustine Blue Rezone
( 2.99 MB )
Staff Report - Augustine Blue Rezone
( 0.11 MB )
Maps - Augustine Blue Rezone
( 0.52 MB )
Draft Ordinance
( 0.1 MB )
Decision Criteria
Each decision maker will follow the criteria below when voting on this item.
21.02.140 Code amendment and rezoning.
(a) Approval Criteria. In order to maintain internal consistency between this code and the zoning maps, map amendments must only occur if:
(1) Subsequent events have invalidated the original premises and findings; and/or
(2) The character and/or condition of the area has changed such that the amendment is consistent with the Plan; and/or
(3) Public and community facilities are adequate to serve the type and scope of land use proposed; and/or
(4) An inadequate supply of suitably designated land is available in the community, as defined by the presiding body, to accommodate the proposed land use; and/or
(5) The community or area, as defined by the presiding body, will derive benefits from the proposed amendment.
Public Comments
Commenting on this item has ended.
Online comments closed at 6:00 PM MDT 4/13/20.